School P&C

What is the P&C Association?

The P&C, or Parents & Citizens’ Association, is a group of community minded parents, guardians and citizens whose shared goal is to support and assist Exmouth District High School in providing every student from Kindy to year 12 access to the best, well-rounded education possible, and act as a constructive contact between the school, community and parents.

The P&C body has many roles:

  • It is a forum for parents to discuss issues and concerns pertaining to the school community.
  • It advocates to the school and wider community on behalf of parents as a communal voice.
  • It assists the school to provide a variety of educational programmes and amenities for students from Kindy to year 12 to ensure every student has the opportunity to realise their full potential
  • It promotes and encourages parent participation and involvement in the school.

The Exmouth District High School P&C has been operating since 1970 and has contributed in many ways over the years to the growth of our school including:

  • Managing, staffing and funding the school uniform shop.
  • Purchased numerous equipment including interactive whiteboards in classrooms, team uniforms for Secondary Country Week and Primary School Choir, shade structures and the Lower Primary Nature Playground.
  • Financial support towards whole school educational programs such as Mathletics, primary student readers and secondary student diaries.
  • Catering and supporting school events such as the secondary drama production, sports carnivals and special events.
  • Funded the EduDance programme for primary students 2018 and 2019.
  • Created a Commemorative Paver Walkway at the front of the school as part of the Exmouth 50 years celebrations in 2017.


Exmouth P&C meets one to two times per term. To stay up to date with times and dates follow us on Facebook @ ‘Exmouth District High School P&C’ and look out for meeting announcements on the school electronic board in the Maidstone Crescent carpark.

Exmouth P&C plays a significant role in the community of Exmouth District High School and relies completely on volunteers for our success.  Your involvement and attendance at P&C meetings and/or volunteering at our events throughout the year would be very welcome.

Exmouth District High School P&C Committee

President:  Allison Mullins 
Vice President: 
Natasha Tate
Kelly Scott
Jane Iliffe
Executive Committee: 
Carly Cunningham, Kristy Hansen, Megan Petersen

Contact Details


Uniform Queries: