Our Student Support Team provides support for the social, emotional and educational wellbeing of all students. Our ultimate goal is to help students reach their full potential.
All parents/caregivers and members of the community are welcome to attend.
Primary – Primary assemblies are held for students fortnightly in the primary undercover area, commencing at 8.30am every 2nd Thursday. Parents will be notified of details through Connect and term planners.
Secondary – Each term, secondary school run two/three assemblies at the secondary community courts to recognise student achievement. These events are an opportunity for students to receive recognition for their efforts using Our School Values – Responsible, Respectful and Aim High.
Special Assemblies – Throughout the year, we have a number of assemblies for special events eg ANZAC Day and NAIDOC.
Recess and Lunch
Our school currently does not offer an on-site canteen service. Parents and guardians are to provide their children with meals for recess and lunch breaks.
Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast Club is held daily next to the Student Support Room from 7:50-8:15am. We offer a nutritious start to the day with a variety of breakfast options including toast, Weet-Bix, and fruit.
Students will receive immunisations as per the school-based immunisation program these include:
Year 8 Students
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (dTpa) and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Year 10 Students
Meningococcal / ACWY
Allied Health Services
School Based Psychologist
EDHS will soon have a school psychologist assigned at the school and referrals can be made, following discussions with your child’s teacher, through the relevant Deputy Principal.
Speech and Occupational Therapists
These services are based at Carnarvon Hospital. These services are available through referrals from the school. Exmouth DHS does have access to both services who visit the school on a regular schedule when available. Telephone 9941 1555.
Community Health Nurse
The Community Health Nurse provides a screening service for school students. Parents should inform the school of any medical disabilities or treatments which may require a modified educational program. All kindergarten students with consent have a school entry health assessment that includes vision, hearing screen, height and weight assessment. This assessment will be completed for students in Pre Primary and Year 1 if they are not done at the school’s kindergarten.
A Dental Clinic is situated at Exmouth Hospital. The dentist undertakes dental screening of students during the year. Telephone 9949 3690.
Student Mental Health and Wellbeing
Today parents face a multitude of modern day challenges in raising happy, well and resilient young people. Whilst there is a great deal of information available, this can often be confusing and overwhelming for parents looking for guidance.
SchoolTV addresses this as a new online resource designed to empower you as parents with credible and sound information with realistic, practical ongoing support strategies.