
It is important for your child to attend school regularly.


If your child is absent or going to be away from school, please contact our Attendance Officer directly by:

The School Education Act requires absences to be explained within three days.


If your child arrives for school after 8:20am, they will need to provide a note when signing in at the Student Support desk. Alternatively, parents can send an SMS providing a reason for the late arrival.


If your child needs to leave early during the day:

  • Office/teacher to be advised of time student is being picked up.
  • Early Childhood-Parent to sign out at office then drive around to collect student.
  • Primary-Parent to meet student in office and sign student out.
  • Secondary- Can sign out themselves with prior permission provided from parent (Note/SMS) to the office with explanation.

While at school, we are responsible for the students’ welfare and safety at all times. Students are not to leave the school grounds without permission from the Principal or a Deputy Principal. If parents wish their child to leave the school at any time of the day for any reason, a written note to the class teacher or administration must be submitted in advance.


Please refer to the links below on Exmouth District High School Attendance Policy and Procedures

2021 – 2023 EDHS Attendance Plan

2022 EDHS Attendance Policy

2022 EDHS Attendance Key Processes

Did you know, It’s NOT OK to stay away!

The following chart highlights the impact of non-attendance over time. Viewed in this context, the implications of regular absenteeism are startling. The chart shows the cumulative effect of persistent non-attendance over the period from Pre Primary to Year 12.

Days absentTotal DaysNumber of TermsNumber of Years missed
1 day fortnight2264.51 year ½ term
1.5 days per week676.513.53 years 1.5 terms
2 days per week902184 years 2 terms
3 days per week1353276 years 3 terms
5 weeks per term1127.5225 years 2 terms
Average 5 days per term2205.51 year 1.5 terms
Average 10 days per term440112 years 2 terms
  • There is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement. Children who on average miss one day of school each fortnight are deemed to be academically at risk.
  • Frequent absences make it difficult for teachers who have to continually re-teach information and skills.
  • Patterns of attendance/absence are set up in the early years of schooling.
  • Poor attendance makes it difficult for students to form positive relationships with their peers.
  • Research shows that students who are often absent from school are likely to earn less than their peers as adults.

All students must attend full-time school until the completion of their Year 12 studies. Special exemptions from schools can be given in some cases for early release to work.