Good Standing

What is Good Standing?

Good Standing’ is a status that all EDHS students are granted at the beginning of each term. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain their good standing. Students with Good Standing are eligible to participate in non-curricula events throughout the school year as well as reward days that occur at end of each term.

Students who lose their ‘Good Standing’ will lose the privilege to participate in these events which include but are not limited to, excursions, school camps, interschool events, sports days & good standing reward days.

Good Standing and Positive Behaviour Support

At Exmouth District High School, the Good Standing Policy supports our school’s Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) expectations;

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Aim High

The Good Standing Policy supports this through acknowledging and rewarding positive behaviour, work ethic, attendance and adherence to our school uniform code.

We believe that learning requires a welcoming, inclusive, collaborative and caring environment.

The Good Standing Policy emphasises the importance of students taking responsibility for the choices they make, on a daily basis, which impact on themselves and others both academically and socially.

The Good Standing Policy is part of and works in conjunction with our whole school Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) Policy and aims to provide regular acknowledgement and recognition for all the students who consistently behave and act according to our PBS school expectations.

‘Good Standing’ is not about punishing students for things outside of their control, therefore individual circumstances will be taken into consideration by the Principal.

Maintaining Good Standing

To maintain ‘Good Standing’ students must:

  • Comply with the PBS school expectations of respect, responsibility and aiming high.
  • Comply with the Attendance Policy
  • Follow the School Dress Code Policy

Students who lose their Good Standing will have the option to undertake a fair process to earn back their ’Good Standing’. This process will include a probationary period which will be determined by the administration and will be dependent upon the seriousness of the breach of our school’s expectations. Please be aware that further incidents of non-compliance that occur whilst on probation will result in the process starting over.

Students who maintain their ‘Good Standing’ will be eligible to access social and non-curricula activities such as incursions and excursions, school camps, and carnivals in addition to reward activities which will coincide with the end of each ‘Good Standing’ Period (10 weeks).

Withdrawal of Good Standing

The following table outlines exactly why a student’s ‘Good Standing’ would be withdrawn and ways to earn it back.

Dress Code InfringementThird and all subsequent occasions  10 consecutive school days were attended complying with the school dress codeLetter of concern to parent/caregiver on second infringement
AttendanceUnauthorised and/or attendance below 85% in any 10-week period. Medical evidence or family circumstance will be taken into consideration for absences below 85%.Good standing reinstated after clearing of unexplained absences, attendance rising above 85% or at beginning of a new ten week periodSMS or phone contact with parent/caregiver at point of concern
BehaviourAny incident of referral to the leadership team for significant negative behaviours.   The leadership team will decide whether the referral warrants a loss of good standing.   Three significant incidents within one term will result in the loss of good standing.10 to 20 consecutive days of no further incidents of unacceptable behaviour. (Restoration dealt with on an individual basis under direction of school admin.)Contact with parent or caregiver for each instance of a student being given a detention
SuspensionFirst and all subsequent occasions however a second suspension in a term will result in loss of good standing for the termAutomatic loss of ‘Good Standing.’ (Restoration dealt with on an individual basis under direction of school admin. Notionally 20 consecutive days of positive behaviour.)Parent interview/case conference on re-entry to school. Two week behaviour contract on re-entry to school.


  • Students must have ‘Good Standing’ to attend social and non-curricula activities such as school excursions, incursions, camps, social events, inter-school events and Good Standing reward days
  • Students will have access to all school curriculum, regardless of ‘Good Standing’ status.