The Arts

Primary Art

Year 1 to 6 students attend a one hour weekly stimulating and varied visual art lesson, where they are encouraged to think creatively, plan for and develop imaginative and individual artworks. Students use a range of art materials, to develop their art skills and an understanding of techniques and processes they can use to create 2D and 3D artworks.

Students learn about International and Australian art styles, art movements and artists and are encouraged to respond and reflect upon the artworks of others as well as their own arts ideas and finished works.

Artwork is regularly displayed in the school front office and in the specialized art classroom. Visual art teachers regularly seek opportunities to showcase student artwork in local and statewide art competitions and events. 

Secondary Art

Exmouth District High School provides an engaging and vibrant Visual Arts program for Year 7 to 10 students. We explore a variety of art disciplines such as drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, sculpture and ceramics. 

We promote excellence by encouraging students: 

  • to be creative and critical thinkers 
  • to explore and develop arts skills and knowledge 
  • to communicate ideas and reflect on their own art practices 
  • to develop awareness of contemporary art techniques and processes 
  • to build knowledge of art styles, periods and movements from past and present contexts in order to recognize, reflect upon and respond to the work of others

Art is celebrated through regular display of student artwork in the school environment and participation in local and statewide art events and competitions such as ArtQuest, Whaleshark festival, Gascoyne Art Awards, Chevron Photographic awards, Shaun Tan art awards and the Youth on Health festival. Each year students have the opportunity to participate in art workshops with local and travelling artists. We look forward to an upcoming school incursion with artist and children’s book author and illustrator, Kamsani Bin Salleh, in August. 

Secondary Performing Arts

This fun and exciting subject can have students participating in mime, role plays, improvisation, script writing, voice production, circus skills, mask and puppetry. The courses can incorporate learning about all areas of theatre production, including lighting, sound, costume design and set design, and culminates in performances throughout the year. 

Students develop communication skills through confidence building exercises in a safe and supportive environment, and the ability to be expressive and reflective in their dramatic actions and interpretations. Students gain knowledge in the conventions of drama and have the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. 

Practice of the skills required for performing arts can significantly improve hand eye coordination, fine motor skills, concentration, improved balance and posture, left brain/right brain usage, confidence, self-esteem, trust in others, teamwork, motivation and a sense of achievement. More importantly, it is also lots of fun! 


Exmouth District High School promotes a love of performing, playing and singing music. From Year 1, students are given lessons that develop their singing voices and get them listening to, playing and engaging with music. For Upper Primary students, class guitar lessons teach the basics of becoming a practicing musician and students are encouraged to form bands and other performance groups. 

Our school choir performs regularly at school assemblies, on ABC Radio and events in the community throughout the year. Whether it’s whole school singing at each assembly, rock band rehearsals or playing nursery rhymes on xylophones, music is an integrated part of Exmouth District High School’s comprehensive approach to excellence in education.